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Best of 2015


Best of 2015

It was a full, productive, and rewarding year. God has been faithful!

Academically, designing a portfolio was definitely one of the more challenging tasks this year. It was also one of the most rewarding and I learned so much. I'm so grateful for the strenuous Portfolio Development class and that assignment in particular.


Photography 2012-2015: An Ebenezer

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Photography 2012-2015: An Ebenezer

I’m only two days away from graduation! Time definitely seems to move faster the closer you get to a long-awaited event. And this is definitely the most anticipated event in my life for quite a while!

It seemed appropriate to write a retrospective blog post on my time at ACC. Looking back, I can clearly see God’s hand guiding me to this place; although at the time, all I could see was discomfort and confusion. 

The typical college student’s dilemma: what to major in?! While I didn’t choose photography at first, I’m so glad I gave it a shot. (Pun intended.) For me, it’s such a perfect blend of creativity and practicality. And not only that, but I’ve had the awesome opportunity to study in an exceptional program. God is good!

And though I never really doubted him, my dad was absolutely right: college is about personal growth, “stretching” he calls it. In my case, I think that was an even more important lesson than the valuable book learning. Truthfully, I’m a bit of wimp, but I’ve learned I can do harder things than I thought. An uncomfortable lesson, but one I need to keep learning.

Here I raise my Ebenezer; hither by Thy help I’m come...

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October At Last

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October At Last

Autumn really is my favorite season.  For some reason, I often feel guilty about that.  Maybe it's because plants are dying and Daylight Savings Time is ending.  It's the beginning of the ending of the year.  I usually don't like endings.

But autumn always seems hopeful to me.  The weather finally begins to turn cool.  October is the glittering finish line of the heat marathon that is summer in central Texas.  You have endured summer, air conditioner on one hand, swimming pool on the other, and you have won.  Ahead are cold fronts and fuzzy socks and blankets and Christmas.  These are a few of my favorite things.

All images © 2015 Meagan Hurley.  All rights reserved.

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