Last week, I purchased my very first full frame camera. I admit that I'm not a huge gear person, but I'm awfully excited about this new camera.

When I bought my first camera, I hadn't ever done photography before. I had decided to take a class at the local community college, just to see whether I liked photography. A little exposure to photography, you might say. (Pun totally intended.) Since I was purchasing on speculation, I bought just about the most entry level DSLR available. (I chose the Nikon brand for the really boring reason that Nikon's menu organization made more sense to me than Canon.)

I decided to stick with Nikon, since that's what I already had and I've been very happy with it. My faithful old camera is now relegated to backup status.

I have to say, first shots were way more exciting the second time around! I waited a few hours after I got the camera to actually take any photos. I wanted the first thing I photographed to be a person and my trusty brother/model wasn't home.

Since then, I've been eager to shoot and I'm loving it!

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