Since January, I've been participating in Project365 (or Photo A Day): take at least one photo a day, every day for a year. Over the past three months, my experience has been really positive.

In my mind, one of the chief goals of Project365 is to help create a habit of photography. That may sounds strange coming from a photographer - that I need to get in the habit of taking photos - but it's quite true! Sometimes, photography can lose its zest and fun. I imagine any work or vocation can get stuck in a rut and the same is true for a creative field.

So far, my photos have fit into these categories, or some combination:

  1. Something I observed around me - this is usually something to do with light, like diagonal lines coming through the blinds.
  2. Something I went in search of - like stepping into the backyard to look for something interesting.
  3. Something staged - either a little scene or a family member's portrait.

I'm really excited by how fun this project is! At first, it felt confining. Some days, I didn't really have time to take a photo and edit it. So I decided that if I miss a few days here and there, that's okay. That decision has freed me up to really enjoy the process, rather than feel like it was just something to check off a to do list.

I'm also excited about the photographs! I feel like this project is helping me be more observant, which is always something photographers can grow in. And I've learned some new techniques in terms of editing, which is really satisfying.

So take a look below and let me know what you think. Fair warning - there's a lot of tea.

To follow my progress, check out Instagram.

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