
This is my awesome accountant and her family! We had this family session on the books since March: Jennifer's sister and brother-in-law were going to be in Austin for Christmas and the only photos they have of James is from James and Gina's wedding several years ago, so an update was due!

One hitch: the only weekend James and Gina would be in town coincided with a cold front in Austin. We debated on an indoor location and decided the State Capitol was our best option.


Enter my friend Alisha, who works at the Capitol. She and I were at a Christmas party earlier in December and as I was telling her about this upcoming session, she offered to meet us at the Capitol and take us onto the House floor so we could get some photos in front of the Christmas tree! Alisha also led us through the labyrinth that is the Capitol Extension to the outdoor rotunda. You're the best, Alisha!!


Another friend, Christina, gave me some pointers on best photo ops. (If you need a wedding photographer, Christina's your girl!)

So the saying is true of both raising a child and photographing at the Capitol: it takes a village.

