Though I don’t actually advertise myself as a proposal photographer, occasionally I have the honor of photographing one for a friend. ‘Tis the season, because this year, the number of total proposals I’ve photographed has more than doubled!

Tom and I attend the same church and earlier this year, he asked me about photographing his proposal. March 12th was the date and in the days and weeks leading up to the event, we were in communication as he made his plans. Tom scouted various locations before deciding the observation deck at the Oasis on Lake Travis was the spot!

My friend, Peyton, came along with me as “crowd control” and saved the day by clearing the balcony of 15 or so people, just before Tom and Makayla arrived. (!!!)

The crowd of on-lookers at the Oasis was very supportive!

After the proposal, we took some portraits to celebrate, which I loved.

Congratulations, Tom and Makayla! I loved getting to help y’all celebrate this incredible moment!
