I've known Colin and his family since I was about 5 years old and I had the enormous pleasure of photographing his proposal to Alex.

On a chilly early December day, Colin and I met up to strategize. The park he chose was perfect: not too crowded and right next to a stream *with* a waterfall. I had never met Alex, so we decided I didn't need to hide in the bushes. Instead, I would bring a couple of friends with me. We would be staged taking portraits about 20 feet away and at the last minute, I would turn to photograph his proposal. If Alex became suspicious to early, Colin would reassure her that it was a popular spot with portrait photographers. (True story: when we scoped out the location, there were two other photographers shooting!)

I was worried when I woke up on January 2nd and saw rain in the forecast. Providentially, it had rained in the early hours, leaving the weather positively gorgeous. I picked up my accomplices and we arrived at the park 30 minutes early. Shortly after that, a small family appeared...and parked themselves right where Colin planned to propose to Alex! My friends and I prayed that the proposal would go well and about 10 minutes before Colin and Alex were scheduled to arrive, the other visitors at the park left. We "reserved" the spot and Colin let us know they were headed over!

We got into character and started "taking portraits." The couple arrived and Colin expertly maneuvered himself and Alex into position. When he got down on one knee, I shifted from my friends to Colin and Alex.

I learned after the fact that when Alex saw me photographing the proposal, she thought I was a random photographer sweetly and spontaneously capturing the moment, rather than a part of Colin's plan!

We waited for the sun to set just a little more, then took portraits in the beautiful golden hour.

Congratulations, Colin & Alex!!
