Best of 2016: People

I'm so pleased with how the past year went from a portrait perspective. I launched my business on January 9, 2016 and endeavored to have extremely conservative expectations for the year. I had been previously told that the first two years would be slow-going and I didn't want unrealistic expectations to needlessly frustrate me.

The goal for 2016 was to purchase a full-frame camera and lens. I wanted the earnings from portrait photography to entirely finance the purchase, but I also didn't want the expense to leave the business broke. God has been faithful to provide and I was able to purchase a camera and lens in June, exactly five months after opening for business. A second lens joined the new gear in December as well.

In addition to gear purchases, this year has been very satisfying creatively. I'm happier with the work I'm producing than I was a year ago.

So thank you, clients, for giving me the opportunity to photograph you! Not only are you helping me build my livelihood, you're blessing me with the opportunity of enjoyable, creative, and rewarding work that I love.


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