My photography adventure had its start five years ago today!


This was the very first photo I took five years ago. Isn't it a masterpiece?!

This was the very first photo I took five years ago. Isn't it a masterpiece?!

By the fall of 2012, I'd graduated high school and taken several classes at the local community college before transferring to Texas State University. The terribly long commute coupled with a long road toward my (interim) goal of graphic design made me feel trapped and desperate.

My preoccupation with tea and books makes an early appearance: this was the eighth photo I took.

My preoccupation with tea and books makes an early appearance: this was the eighth photo I took.

I'm definitely not a risk taker, and prior to my challenging semester at Texas State, I felt the financial investment in a DSLR was a huge risk I wasn't willing to take. I'd never felt a passion for photography. Growing up, I didn't commandeer my parents' point and shoot; I went on a mission trip in high school and took photos I'm still not sure I ever developed. But after an intense six weeks at Texas State, I decided to buy a camera. I would finish out the fall semester, then take a photography course during the spring at the community college.

In 2010, I took a personality and vocational assessment, courtesy of a dear friend. Looking back at the results for my occupational interests, I scored highest in Artistic and Mechanical: "You are attracted toward opportunities to put your creative interests and detail-minded interests to work in a setting that allows for variety." I'm just marveling at how photography fits so perfectly!

Possibly the most photogenic baby ever, 2016.

Possibly the most photogenic baby ever, 2016.

God has been so good and looking back, I can see how He orchestrated my path to bring me to this place.

Here I raise my Ebenezer,

Hither by Thy help I'm come.

