Ah, the Bunce family! I've been photographing these folks since their son was months old. In fact, he's the face on my business cards and website homepage.

This session was one of the two that stretched me most as a photographer in 2017. I had been wanting to try a slightly more candid style of photography and this session compelled me to use that style (cause let's face it: change is hard and I needed a push). This session forced me to photograph what was happening, instead of relying on more posed images - reacting rather than directing.

There are still techniques for me to practice, like responding more quickly to fleeting moments, but looking at these photos, this is what I want to photograph and this is how I want my images to look. It's such a lovely feeling, all the more welcome for being so very elusive.

So thank you, Bunce family, for the opportunity for growth and especially to you, Christy, for always being an encourager!

