Golden hour + a family expecting twins?

Yes please!


The Sloma Family and I go to church together and I was so excited when Allison asked about doing maternity/family photos for them!


We used a location new to me: St. Edwards Park in northwest Austin. Perfect for an evening photography session and with plenty of strategically placed trails so they didn't have to wade through the grasses. Let's minimize those bug bites!

I definitely need to explore St. Edwards further this autumn - I think there's a creek deeper in the park. Thanks for picking this spot, Allison!!


Allison and Andrew are expecting a boy and a girl! As a one of a set of fraternal twin girls myself, it was particularly special session for me.


I've loved getting to see my mom and Allison bond over twins! A few weeks ago, Mom and Allison were chatting after church and Mom said that on my and my sister's first birthday, she felt like she'd simultaneously lived the shortest and longest year of her life.

Congratulations, Sloma Family, and thank you for blessing me with opportunity to photograph this extraordinary moment in the life of your family!

