What an exciting year! It is such a delight to photograph people, both because I just really enjoy making pictures, but also because I’m able to help record important moments in others’ lives.

Two special highlights from this year were photographing my cousin and her husband at the Kimbell Art Museum in Ft. Worth and photographing a personal project with Yolanda on the UT campus. Both locations were new for me and I loved the resulting images.

I think part of being a photographer is some level of abiding dissatisfaction with your own work. Perhaps the reason for this is spending so much time with these images, through photographing them to editing them, that they become familiar and a little stale. When I view other photographer’s work, I see the completed image, not the hours spent achieving the final product.

Whatever the reason, making photos that I really like can be a struggle. I’m so happy that this year’s work represents a growing satisfaction and pleasure with the final product. Thank you to every person who has given me an opportunity to continue growing and perfecting the job I enjoy so much!
