I’m excited to report on the first month of the Portrait A Week challenge! Just as a reminder: for the rest of 2019, I’m challenging myself to photograph a portrait a week. A few guidelines I’m using are:

  • Photograph a different person for each portrait; no photographing the same subject multiple times.

  • The portrait must be taken the same week it’s posted; no shooting ahead and squirreling photos away.

  • Portraits are posted at the end of that week on Saturday.

I had toyed with the idea of a portrait a week project near the beginning of the year, but was very intimidated at the thought of coordinating 52 portraits. I also considered a portrait a month, but that didn’t seem challenging enough.

Back in May, I was chatting about the portrait a week idea with a dear friend and fellow photographer. Hannah was very encouraging and excited, which got me thinking about how to actually tackle the project. I made a list of people I know (because lists are power) and realized that I didn’t have to coordinated elaborate portrait sessions. I could just photograph the people who are part of my daily life during our usual interactions.


1/30 | Leighann

My sister Leighann was my first subject. It wasn’t the most auspicious of beginnings, in that I chose her largely because it was Saturday and I realized I hadn’t taken my first portrait yet. Whoops! At such times, a large immediate family is an immense boon.

I really like the end result and am thankful for family that are willing to let me photograph them. As an Easter egg, here are a few outtakes. I’d love to know which image is your favorite.


2/30 | Suzi

I’ve known of Suzi for about 6 years, but have only properly known her for 2 years. About 6 years ago, we both worked at Hope Chapel and when I was in the office, I would see her at the church for staff meetings. Lo and behold, a few years later she and her husband joined our young adult BSF class a teaching leaders!

She and I occasionally joke that we are the same person and from Suzi comes a phrase that is now a crucial part of my vocabulary: “I don’t do public math.”


3/30 | Ben

Another sibling! Ben is such an obliging fellow. We took this portrait in our front entryway. I was crammed up against the screen door and he was perched on a bar stool.


4/30 | Karen

Karen is such a dear friend and counselor. She is extravagantly generous and reflects the generosity of God toward us in Christ. Also a teaching leader in our BSF class, I’ve known Karen for about 3 years and have been so blessed by her friendship.
