From start to finish, this mini session was truly an adventure! The day before our original session date in April, poor Miss Lois fell and bumped her head. We decided to reschedule for a few weeks later, to give her bruise a chance to heal. We mustn't let a goose egg spoil her close up!

When the day of our shoot arrived, it brought with it the threat of rain. Jessica and I went back and forth on times during that Saturday, trying to get the better of the weather. At last we decided on 6:00. When I arrived, I was slightly dismayed to find the cloud cover was still patchy, as it had been most of the day. (Overcast skies for lovely lighting. Clear or patchy skies are beautiful, but not for portraits!) As the family arrived, the clouds began to settle in. Yay!

The kiddos were great. Holding hands, giving kisses, and cheesing it up! And we had our very own wind machine courtesy of the cold front that blew in right as we were finishing. (Interesting to note: another photoshoot at this exact location coincided with a cold front, too! You can take a look here!)

The rain made its appearance about 10 minutes after we finished!
