I don't really have a photography bucket list (though perhaps I should...) but I'm always excited by photography firsts: first out-of-town client or first time taking portraits and the Capitol for example. Rebekah and Joel's maternity session marks my first out-of-town session.


On June 9th, with my mom as traveling companion and a hastily downloaded Agatha Christie audiobook from the library, we set off for Ft. Worth in my little Honda Fit. Our drive was very smooth until about 2/3 of the way through when it became apparent that the A/C wasn't really working: plenty of air, but not a waft of it cold. This continued, to our increasing discomfort, for 30 to 45 minutes when the A/C kicked on again spontaneously, apparently.


Not only did we get to travel for photography, but since Rebekah is my cousin, we had a mini family reunion! My aunt and uncle, Rebekah's parents, live in the DFW area, so they were our central meeting point, as well as chauffeur during the portrait session. The whole gang came along for the session and we got Chick-fil-A afterwards. It was absolutely splendid.


Our locations were Trinity Park (above) and the Kimbell Art Museum (below). As Rebekah and I were planning, I was so excited to photograph at the Kimbell and it lived up to my expectations! 

